I purchased the LYG-Q800D welding helmet and found that it provides good protection and view. The only low point with this helmet is the weak headgear which is very disappointing for this quality helmet. The headgear will weaken in short time due to poor materials that won't stay adjusted.
This can be easily fixed by replacing it with a higher quality headgear like Lincoln Electric. After doing the fix this helmet would easily deserve 5 stars.
I have heard nothing but good things about it. They have welded so much with it that I got them some new lenses.
The true color and panorama is amazing....absolutely love it
I love this helmet because is easy to use and fit perfectly versatility is good for different jobs
Better than one I bought with a big brand name for over $400 a few years ago. First day did 4.5 hours of mig and love it more than my wife.